Urna pretium elit mauris cursus Curabitur at elit Vestibulum

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Urna pretium elit mauris cursus Curabitur at elit Vestibulum

Nottingham City Council has recently launched a workplace travel grant to offer employees at companies across the city to make use of sustainable methods of transport to commute to work. Businesses can benefit from up to £25,000 worth of financial support to help meet costs of workplace travel improvements.

Nottingham City Council has recently launched a workplace travel grant to offer employees at companies across the city to make use of sustainable methods of transport to commute to work. Businesses can benefit from up to £25,000 worth of financial support to help meet costs of workplace travel improvements. This could be through cycle parking, showers, pool bikes, electric charging points, car shares or car parking management. You can find out more about the scheme online here.

Nottingham City Homes are getting involved to assist their employees and we supplied them with four Motus electric bikes that they were able to purchase with the grant they received.

Hayley Bow from Nottingham City Homes discusses how important this scheme is to their business.

“Nottingham City Homes is committed to making our business more efficient, and environmentally friendly. We encourage our staff to opt for sustainable transport wherever possible, including travel between our many sites across the city. Recently, we were lucky enough to be given a Nottingham City Council workplace travel service fund four new electric bikes. The knowledge and support we received from Raleigh was exceptional, and we are delighted with our purchases. Colleagues have already shown a lot of interest in these bikes, and will use them to get to meetings or simply for a lunchtime cycle.”

We love that our electric bikes are helping staff at the company to use more sustainable methods of transport and that they’ll be getting involved in lunchtime cycles! If you’d like to find out more about the scheme and whether your company is eligible, take a read of this article on activenotts.org.uk.

If you’re interested in electric bikes yourself then take at our handy buying guides and informational pieces to see if ebikes are right for you and your cycling journey. You can also see how riding an ebike could help you save the world, take a read over at our cycling inspiration articles.


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